Jandy Hardesty


First Things - Is God a Therapist by Carl Trueman

Is God a Therapist?

“How should we prepare to stand in the face of what is to come? I agree with Archbishop Chaput that holiness and devotion must mark the church’s witness. After all, if we do not take the faith seriously, how can we expect others to do the same? Furthermore, holiness is not simply, or even primarily, an apologetic strategy. It is in part a response to the doctrine of God. Only when we grasp this can we truly place our own lives in perspective and anchor our faith so as to resist the cultural moment. If our imaginations are not fired by the greatness of the eternal communion with our glorious God that will be consummated at the end of time, then the problems of this present age will loom large and always threaten to overwhelm us.”


Karina: The spelling word says “-ED past tense ending forms another syllable when the base word ends in -d or -t, otherwise -ED says d or t.” But what about “blessed”? [pronounces it “bless-ed”]

That’s a kid who’s only heard the word “blessed” in hymns. 🥰


How did I literally never realize until Sunday School this morning that the two men in prison with Joseph are a baker and a cupbearer - Pharaoh’s bread guy and his wine guy. Bread and wine! And Joseph, in administering all the kingdom’s food supply, would have taken over both those jobs. He would be bringing bread and wine to the nations.