I’ve been waiting for little one to get into Winnie the Pooh (so far chapter books have been a struggle) but she was sure into it last night!

I’ve been waiting for little one to get into Winnie the Pooh (so far chapter books have been a struggle) but she was sure into it last night!
Four more papers to grade and I can fully relax and enjoy the rest of this holiday. (I’m not complaining, I’ve had a four day weekend, I just procrastinated the one hard thing I had left to do.)
I’ve never seen this NYTimes game before - placing historical events in the right order. I love it! I wouldn’t have known all of them except they had enough extra info in the caption to let me figure it out.
Flashback for September 3, 2023
28 points 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Just found one of my grad school papers (the original, with my prof’s marks on it!) in a random bag while cleaning out a neglected corner of our room. A treasure! I used to be smart then. Somehow my vocabulary has decreased in the intervening 15 years…
I just got home from four days with our high school students at camp - great and exhausting! - aaaaaand my 5yo has a tummy bug and is spewing diarrhea everywhere. Welcome home, me!
Just watched The Sound of Music with my kids. I don’t care what anybody says, that’s a legit great movie. 📽
Finished reading: Looking for the King by David C. Downing 📚
What a fun trifle! The main character is an American scholar in the late 1930s looking for evidence of the real King Arthur in England, and he consults with none other than C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and the rest of the Inklings. The author is a Lewis scholar and has written the Inklings dialogue based on their actual words in their books and letters. I’m sure there are some liberties, but it’s light and fun, plus Arthurian letters!
So we just had A HURRICANE and now it’s 95 degrees again. What gives?!
Working on rubrics while having our “tropical storm day” at home. I’m distilling my view on grading. I hate grading. I enjoy reading papers and giving feedback. I hate trying distill that into a grade. It’s almost always dumb and reductive.
I finally managed to get custom bookshelves set up and displaying on my Micro.blog page. Current reads, upcoming reads and finished reads. I managed to reorder the finished books by date finished, but can I control the order of the current/upcoming ones?
Well, we apparently just did the most Southern California thing ever and canceled school on account of rain. To be fair, the flash flooding around here can get pretty crazy.
My five year old called us back on our way into the library - I’m so glad I took the time to listen to her, because she had found monarch caterpillars!
So I’m looking for a to-do/productivity app but haven’t found exactly what I’m looking for or how best to do this on the apps I have found. I would like to be able to create a task and give it a due date - “this task must be done by Aug 22” - but also assign it to a specific time block. Like “I will work on this task during my prep period from 12:30-2 on Aug 21.” And then easily move them to the next appropriate time block for work if I don’t get to them. I just started using Todoist and really like it, but I’m struggling figuring out the time block thing. (I do NOT need to track hours or invoices or anything.)
Rounded up a few links and recent reads/watches/listens over at my blog.
I appreciate that cats love routine. I don’t appreciate that my cat’s particular morning routine is to sit in my lap and scratch at my arms and face unless I pet him constantly with both hands.
I used to ride regularly as a teenager. It was great to take my daughter for her first lesson today! Also a blast from the past, as apparently “heels down, toes out, back straight, keep him on the rail” hasn’t changed over the past thirty years! 🐎
Did our school’s sexual harassment training last night. Did you know every instance of sexual harassment includes saying the word “booty”? According to the quiz answers, at least.
Also the lady said “infers” when she meant “implies.”
This thing might need an update.
My five year old is demanding mac and cheese for breakfast. Parents - how important is delineating “breakfast food” for you? I love mac and cheese but my stomach is turning just thinking about eating it first thing in the morning!
My favorite read-later app Pocket (one of my fave apps of any kind) has totally borked tags in the new iOS update. Suggestions for an alternative that has:
Leah Libresco Sargeant on Barbie:
“The message resonated with Hari Nef, a transgender actress who plays Doctor Barbie. In an Instagram post promoting the film, Nef said that the experience of being a woman badly is the most universal experience of womanhood. Nef and a group of transgender friends call themselves “the dolls” because, as Nef explained, “underneath the word ‘doll’ is the shape of a woman who is not quite a woman—recognizable as such, but still a fake.”
I had to read this paragraph three times, incredulously. I will just say…I do not experience being a woman badly.
Finished reading: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein 📚
Enjoyed this a lot - as a self-proclaimed generalist maybe that was inevitable! But he had a ton of really fascinating examples and ideas.
Taking my kids to my favorite hot dog joint in my old stomping grounds. I haven’t been down here in probably 8 years. I was a regular back in the day (12-13 years ago)! (at Fab Hot Dogs in Reseda)
5yo: Call me Queen Princess Majesty.
Me: Oh, really.
5yo: Yes, this is serious.
Me: Okay, Queen Princess Majesty.
Me: That’s what I said.
Husband: Don’t upset Her Majesty Princess Queen!
Me: Queen Princess Majesty!!
5yo: My old parents are…
Me: Wait, what happened to your old parents?
5yo: Oh, they’re still alive.
Husband: Who are your new parents?
5yo, looking confused: That’s you guys! [beat] I’m going to be a grown up when my sister dies.
Me and Husband - both turn slowly to look at 10yo.
Currently reading: The Time Machine by H. G. Wells 📚
Quick reread for book club tomorrow night. I’m leading it, so of course I’m procrastinating…. 😬
Currently reading: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein 📚